
Staying Away

At Lorton we are very proud of our residential programme which gives children from Year 3 upwards opportunities to spend some time away from home. The experiences are greatly valued by parents and children alike - and by the staff who get to know children in an 'out of school' situation.

Buttermere Youth Hostel

As a first 'taster' of some time away from home, children in Year 3 join Years 4,5 and 6 children on an overnight stay in early October at Buttermere Youth Hostel. We are not too far away from home, but far enough for the youngest children to feel independent for perhaps the first time. After leaving school, we sail eco friendly homemade boats, have dinner and complete activities such as marshmallow toasting, blind ropes trail and ghost stories before settling down for the night.

The next day the two separate classes complete two different walks which will bring to life an area of the curriculum that they have been studying in school. We have always accommodated children who may perhaps only feel ready for part of this experience by facilitating ways in which they can take part in only a couple of the different elements of the trip.

London and Hawes End

Children in Years 5 and 6 alternate between a visit to London and a visit to Hawes End. See photos from our latest visit below.

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